Last year I have watched 4 seasons of Game Of Thrones, which gave me great impression(not only the pornographic frames). After them, I can’t feel who is the true main character, and it seems everyone can be the main character. There I don’t know who is good guys except John Snow and Tywin Lannister , but I know who is bad guys.
You see, there are lots of violent and bloody frames, which are so vivid. Therefore, this TV series is not available for kids and teenage people(I have to admit that I’m already not young).
At former season we see that it is just the beginning of the story and it left us much suspense. Daenerys Targaryen’s dragons have grown up and shown a bit of their fierce behavior. I guess the season 5 will show more frames about the dragons. Besides, Arya Stark and Sansa Stark will face what kinds of difficulties……….
The episode 1 of the season 5 has been released. Now lots of reviews are on the Internet. What is your review?